Another new Theme
A while back I created a new theme called 'fanart' which featured completely new images, new music, a darker look, and Kodi laucher. Based on the same design I've created something with a cleaner look and same music. This is still a work in progress as I want to change the backend completely, however, you may prefer the clean images.
Instructions: 1) Download and unpack the archive in the following link. 2) Copy the folder _clean-1080 _to the system folder on your Recalbox. 3) Then run the following command via shell/terminal: cp -r /recalbox/share/system/clean /root/.emulationstation/themes (Reboot or change the theme to see the results) Only image missing is for the SG-1000.
Just uploading a new update. Still missing the SG-1000 theme, however, have now uploaded 'clean-720' which will run all 20 systems and only consume 107MB of memory! This is less than the stock theme so ideal for Raspberry Pi 1 users. You can access all my themes at: Will continue to update and tweak my themes.