NOOBS ya instala Recalbox 4.1??? :O
Hoy me llevé una sorpresa extraña. Hice una reinstalación de Recalbox desde NOOBS. Yo tenía 4.0.2 y esperaba que reinstalara a la misma versión, pero me llevé la sorpresa de que la nueva versión que tengo es la 4.1
Mi pregunta es, esta versión 4.1 que instala NOOBS es la "unstable" o ya sería la versión final?
Eso significa que ya va a estar disponible la 4.1 final en cualquier momento? -
@defiant D**n ... we had some problems friday regarding the stable, but now you're saying NOOBS is delivering the 4.1 ?
@substring You mean with NOOBS i can download and install the 4.1 stable?
On Github is only the 4.0.1 version downloadable! -
@farbkasten no i mean the 4.1 isn't yet stable. If it ha[censored] the stable release, we'd have made an announce of course !
@substring oh ok, thank you.
@substring Hi, sorry for the delay.
IT IS! I was on 4.0.2 and just wanted to do a reinstall due to my SD being corrupted, so I went on NOOBS, uinstalled Recalbox and installed again, but this time it installed 4.1! -
@defiant still the case now ?
@substring tested a net install from noobs this morning, 4.0.2 ok