PSX extension
Hi! Is possible to change .bin extension to .cue extension? is better because many of the games that you can find have some .bin files for music, etc... Thanks in advance!
Hmm... Couldn't that be an enhancement to have this in the emulationstation menusettings per emulator? I know, that would be a big enhancement and needs more time to implement this.
Hi. Most of psx roms are either in .cue + .bin or .iso. I never use uncompressed iso for ps1. Make isos and you won't have this problem anymore.
Hmm… Couldn’t that be an enhancement to have this in the emulationstation menusettings per emulator? I know, that would be a big enhancement and needs more time to implement this.
I try to keep recalboxOS simple. If i add every settings possible in emulationstation, it will be very hard for a new user to understand what to do. Let's use the convention on this one, and 99% of roms are in iso and bin/cue...
you can convert .bin + .ape audio files (sometimes .bin audio files) in a single iso with isobuster (tutorial on emuparadise)
I was only asking to being able to change it in a config file, not in emulationstation... Changing an extension is 2 min, converting all my games... 1 day??
.cue are already supported in psx configuration. You want to remove .bin ? If so you can edit /root/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg But it will be overwritten at each update.
Thank you!!
hey, I'm having trouble getting psx rom working. I can load certain games ie) blades of steel but I can't the the hockey players on the ice, just a black screen with numbers skating around. It also flashes saying no bios found at the beginning of the loading the game(s). Some are img, ccd, or bin extensions. I was just dropping them into the psx folder. Is there something else I have to do with the bios? thanks