Seemed to have fixed it,
ROM just stops working
@AS I was playing around with the screen ratios in the emulation station video menu could than have messed it up somehow?
@Bowzer-Mike To prevent any trouble, I've disabled all the features!
@AS Hmm Whelp thanks!! haha I'll mess around a little and see what I can do
@Bowzer-Mike good luck
@AS sorry not the emulationstation menu the retroarch video menu, Sorry Im really really new to all this
Seemed to have fixed it,
@Bowzer-Mike How ?
@Bowzer-Mike really don't touch the retroarch menu if you don't know wgat you're doung.
Everything yiu need should be found in the Emulation Station menu anyway, so no need to enter Retroarch except for a very few things
@AS There was 3 other files besides the ROM, splatter.hi, splatter.cfg and splatter.nv so I just moved them out of the ROM folder and the game worked fine. Any idea what those files might be for?
@voljega Yeah, I kinda confused myself not knowing there is Recalbox, Emulationstation and Retroarch plus for a while I thought I was using retropie cus that's what the guy told me he loaded onto it but its not its recalbox he installed. The guy I got this through was kinda shady and before I got this I have never used or heard of any of these programs. He told me I couldn't clone my SD card so I couldn't re sell and pirate it and told me I could never upgrade to bigger SD card but I managed to figured that out without disk partition merging or anything so yeah pardon my noob ness hahah