To obtain the mono sound I think this is probably good? I have a very old TV.....
problem in the picture on the CRT(twitches screen, the picture is not smooth)
Hi everyone, i'm sorry for the language, as I wrote through an interpreter. I really wanted to play the game through Recalbox CRT TV and I had a problem. I have done as described in the instructions:
Everything works, but when you play for example in Genesis I found that the game does not go so smoothly as on Genesis. She twitches, especially noticeable on fast games like Sonic. Is it possible to make it so that the game was on the Sega genesis NTSC 60hz ? -
How have you configured your composite output ? NTSC or PAL ?
sdtv_mode=2 Normal PAL
this. When I use the setting "sdtv_mode=0" get distorted colors, and the whole image muddy.
And another question how can I make so that the sound is mono? is there a setting? I have played only one channel and some of the sounds in Sega no available. put a different color wire as well . Thanks for the help
here's the wire I'm using.
Try some european pal roms to see if the problem is still here. But my guess is that you are mainly trying arcade ?
For mono sound, no such option as far as i know
really! I tried PAL (European ROMs for Sega) games and the screen was smooth and wasn't Jumpy screen (this is especially noticeable in sonic where fast camera movement), but I wanted games NTSC (American Rums) version, I would like a quick game where 60 frames . How can I fix it? please help.
sound may work in mono that way ...
Looks like your TV doesn't support NTSC, so you should stick to PAL roms
gonna be tricky for arcade sadly
But, can do pal 60 ? I have the Sega mega drive clone with 60hz mod all seamlessly works on pal 60hz and there is no j**ky pictures =(
By the way I checked and hooked up via RCA to a new TV Sony KDL 720 and it's not smooth and j**ks the picture when playing Sonic 3. the TV is new and supports all standards...