Little update for atari7800... the controller in the US was different as in europe.
- Atari 7800 (US):
There are plans to implement a switch in ES to integrate alternative regional themes for us and jp, but as some people have asked me for this, here are the links to directly download them as a separate theme in the meanwhile. The folder names remain the same as currently, only the graphics are changing.
Find the instructions on how to add them to your recalbox here.
Download the recalbox-us theme here.
Download the recalbox-jp theme here.
And dreaming about the far future... (don't except these anytime soon!)
Hi, I really need these logos it's an awesome work! Unfortunately the links are down.
"File was deleted from server.
File was deleted by owner or exceeded maximum storage time (100 days from last download)."
ReUpload please
@freeak all this is already part of the official theme and can be selected in UI settings and theme configuration by chosibg the corresponding region.