Hello, everyone. I am experiencing some issues with my Raspberry Pi 3B running Recalbox 9.2.3 on a 128 GB SD card. Recalbox takes a long time to start, around 15 minutes, and all games are lagging. I have tried hiding unnecessary system, adding "audio_pwm_mode=0", and resetting to default settings, but nothing has worked. I use original RPi4 power supply and there is 32% of free space on sd-card. The problem occurred suddenly…
Can you please suggest what else I could try?
RecalBox works too slowly on Pi 3b
Hello, everyone. I am experiencing some issues with my Raspberry Pi 3B running Recalbox 9.2.3 on a 128 GB SD card. Recalbox takes a long time to start, around 15 minutes, and all games are lagging. I have tried hiding unnecessary system, adding "audio_pwm_mode=0", and resetting to default settings, but nothing has worked. I use original RPi4 power supply and there is 32% of free space on sd-card. The problem occurred suddenly…
Can you please suggest what else I could try?