gpiozero Library for Rpi5 - RPi.GPIO not supportet on RPi5
I've been trying for some time now to get a rotary encoder to work under Recalbox and Rpi5 to change the volume. Unfortunately, it always ends up failing because the current Recalbox version [9.2.3] for RPi5 only contains the old RPI.GPIO library, which no longer works with the Raspberry Pi 5. Since you can't install libraries under Recalbox yourself with apt-get, there is currently no way to really work with GPIOs under Recalbox and Rpi5. It would therefore be great if the gpiozero library could be added to Recalbox in one of the next updates so that the scripts can work with GPIOs again. If anyone has found a solution for GPIOs on an Rpi5, please let me know.