Incorrect image on Recalbox RGB Dual with Raspberry Pi 5
My set:
Raspberry Pi 5 + Recalbox RGB Dual (SCART, TV), Recalbox 9.2 Pulsar.Problem:
If I choose an emulator other than the default one (e.g. in the case of PlayStation if I choose Libretro Swanstation instead of Libretro PCSX_Rearmed or in the case of SEGA Saturn if I choose Libretro Yabasanshiro instead of Libretro Mednafen_Saturn), the game/emulator runs on a very large screen, significantly extending beyond its limits ( like a 2x zoom that doesn't fit on the TV image).Any solutions?
- 9 days later
@Maniaczek fixed with Recalbox 9.2.1.
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00