Are you sure your 2 cfg files differ ?
Replacing custom retroacrch.cfg in recalbox.conf
Dear all,
I need some guidance on how to do the following:
I have already configured a new hotkey setting by pressing Hotkey + B during a game, saved a NEW config (say sample.cfg). Got to "root access" using SSH, successfully rename the sample.cfg to custom.cfg. I want this config apply to all or global and all these steps done according to the wiki guideline.The next step, I access the recalbox.conf is through network using browser with my Pi3/Recalbox IP, and get to Configuration open up the recalbox.conf.
I'm kinda confused on the next step stated in the Wike Guide:
6) add the next line to recalbox.conf : neogeo.configfile=/recalbox/share/system/configs/retroarch/inputs/neogeo_custom.cfgIf I want my newly created config file (/recalbox/share/system/configs/retroarch/inputs/custom.cfg) to apply to all or global, which "LINE" in the recalbox.conf should I place into? Is this the correct description:
Please help. Big thanks and cheers~
Hey @dbunnykong !
I'm gon'a exlin you the difference !
Global means the configfile specified will take precedence over any config file in any emulator. And despite hou created your custom.cfg in retroarch, this option will also prevent recalbox from automatically generating their config files (scummvm, N64, pifba etc ...). I woumdn't recommend using this option for configfile
But the configfile can be set for a specific emulator : in your example yoi mentionned neogeoIn your case, if you want all retroarch cores to use your custom.cfg, you should add each emulator one by one like for Neo-Geo
Thanks for the reply, I will give it a try and see how it goes.
Thank you very much ;D
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The only boring thing is that find system names emulated by retroarch
Dear all, after a few attempts, I finally able to change the config file with my own custom setting.
Now I have a new issue, I have successfully added my emulator specified .cfg and got it running...
ISSUE - 1:
6 play buttons layout to cater Capcom fighting games, which I run in FBA:
I would like to have a different key config for my Neo Geo emulator, a classic Neo Geo layout A, B, C, D.
I have created another custom config for Neo Geo emulator for its 4 play buttons setup (A = Y, B= X, C = L, D = B), and successfully placed and loaded in recalbox.conf:
To SUM up I have something like this in recalbox.conf:
If you do not want recalboxOS to generate the configuration for the emulator :
neogeo.configfile=/recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/config/neogeocustom.cfgHowever when I fire up the Neo Geo emu, the play buttons config is same as 'fba_custom_libretro.cfg', in 6 buttons setup, NOT the 4 buttons setup from my 'neogeocustom.cfg'. Strangely under the in-game Retroarch menu (Hotkey + B), 'neogeocustom.cfg' is loaded up correctly; if I change it to 4 buttons setup againt and save "current cfg", it causes FBA emu buttons setup change to this 4 buttons setup too.
Are both FBA and Neo Geo emu sharing the same config in some way? I wish to have this both have their own buttons layout.
ISSUE - 2:
"Error saving remap file"
Due to the issue above, I tried to access the 'Quick' menu under the in-game retroarch menu (Hotkey + B) to change the config here. Unfortunately I can't SAVE the remaps through both 'Save core remap' and 'Save game remap'. I already have the 'Use per-game core option" and 'Save on exit' turn ON.
Please Advice, thanks and cheers!
Are you sure your 2 cfg files differ ?
@subs Yes
launch neogeo, run
ps | grep retroarch
through SSH, and make sure it loaded your neogeo custom file. You may also see that in/recalbox/share/system/logs/recalbox.log
i think -
Ok, I'll give it a try.