I already have the hdd powered with external power so I dont see how an external usb powered hub would work any different but Im gonna try it and see if it works and replay back
Problem with 4tb hdd
Hi I have a problem with my 4tb Intenso hdd https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intenso-6031512-Memory-5400rpm-Desktop/dp/B0093RMTY6 I have it connected to the usb port on the pi with external power but when I select it in the Recalbox options and the pi restarts it still uses my sdcard and it shows the sdcard even though I selected the hdd when I get back into Recalbox.I have tried fat32,ntfs and ext4 but nothing works.I dont know if there are any limitation on how big hdd you can use in recalbox but it seems like it shows up correct in Kodi but not in Recalbox.Im a beginner so I dont have so much knowledge about this so I Im happy if somebody could help me
Maybe be it's a power problem, try connecting it through a self powered usb hub and see if it works.
I already have the hdd powered with external power so I dont see how an external usb powered hub would work any different but Im gonna try it and see if it works and replay back
Sorry read too fast, if you have already external power, you're right this not the cause of this trouble
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/issues/575 I am not sure , 4 TB use GTP may be it 's not compatible. But MBR is not supported by harddrive > 3 To
I am having the exact same problem except my drive is a 5TB. I thought it might be a drive size issue for whatever reason so I tried to use a 64 gb flash drive as well and the exact same thing is happening on the flash drive. Has there been a solution to this?
it is not directly a size issue. it is not related to the mbr. it is a timeout issue. if the disk is not recognized fast enough i switch to the sdcard. then the disk is recognize (too late) and visible in es. i could increase the timeout or make an option for it.