RecalBox 9.2 - rpi5 - SSH issue
I've just installed Recalbox 9.2 on my new raspberry pi 5. It seems to work correctly, It seems to be connected to my WIFI as I can see my IP address in the recalbox menu and in the web interface of my router.
But I can't connect to it via SSH nor access the recalbox.local web interface (timeout on the connection).Is there a way to access error logs somewhere on the pi directly to trace what is going on ?
@Kaldrill There are some logs in
; probablyinit.log
is the first place to look to make sure that/etc/init.d/S50dropbear
(the ssh server) is being started.There are also logfiles in
(samba enables filesharing with Windows).Also check
to check the wifi has connected correctly.edit:
is wiped at power off so you need to look at it while Recalbox is running; suggest connecting a keyboard and accessing the console directly. -
@poppadum Thanks for the info, much appreciated. It's always good to know where to look.
After a few restart the SSH server managed to start correctly. I'm still not sure to know what happened initially.
Regarding the web interface the problem was a port conflict with an MQTT broker which was running on my computer for local development. I didn't find where to edit the MQTT broker to change the port but that's not a big issue.
@Kaldrill recalbox 9.2 , i downloaded the 9.2 zip file, how do i merge the 9.2 files to 8.1 recalbox, i needed the arcade joystiks workin, cannot open the manager to change to 1 position for it, thnx G, can you?