Update Recalbox
Hello everyone,
how do I manage to update my Recalbox?
If I go to Update in the menu, I can choose between Stable and Beta.
However nothing happens???
SD card is 95 percent occupied.Does anyone have any information about what is causing this?
hardware ? recalbox version ? size of SD card ? ...
and after we can help -
If he can select through the menu the update type, I guess it's an old version.
It's not possible to update Recalbox from an older than 7.2.2 version today.Solution : Make a proper installation of Recalbox, saving before roms/bios & saves.
@Magaki I think that too
but I ask the question -
Version 18.07.13Raspery 2
Old version confirmed.
New proper Recalbox installation needed
Morning, witch Image I need for a New Rasperry Pi 4 Model B?Thanks
Hello, here is the latest image available for the Raspberry Pi2.
There will be no further development for the Pi2. In fact, we have reached the maximum of what we can get out of it.https://www.recalbox.com/download/stable/rpi/rpi2/
For the Recalbox Team, Maax
Bonjour, voici la dernière image disponible pour le Raspberry Pi2.
Il n’y aura pas de développement supplémentaire pour le Pi2. En fait, nous avons atteint le maximum de ce que nous pouvons en tirer. -
admin 10 Oct 2024, 00:00