web Manager with no data from gamelist
I am trying to use the recalbox manager (web interface).
Unfortunately, though roms are listed, I have no images and when I try to edit, no information from the gamelist are shown neither. I can't start roms from there neither.
On Recalbox side however, it is well displayed.
Does anybody knows what could be wrong ? thanks -
Using rom manager through webmanager is now obsolete, and not recommended anymore for managing your roms.
Can still be used for consulting, to check your roms, but not more (executing or see all details thanks to scraping).Best practice is doing all this directly on Recalbox menu.
@Magaki That's too bad
So there is no (official) way to edit or launch games remotely ? Also, it would be better not to have the buttons in the web interface if it is no more supported, to avoid confusions.
Thanks for replying -
Webmanager will be possibly replaced for the future.
I don't know about launching remotely a game, it is not in my use cases.
Hi guys,
I took the opportunity of this topic to initiate a "known issues page" in the Recalbox documentation.
Feel free to give me your comment