Custom boot videos with RGB Dual
Hi, I'm trying to customize the boot video. I'm using the RGB dual on the latest version. I followed the guide and changed the parameter to custom and system.splash.length to both 1 and 12 (the length of my video) but all I get is a black screen. I also copied the video file by drag and drop into the bootvideos folder and then with MobaXTerm with the same result.
Is there a specific resolution I need? Or do mp4 files not work?
Seems to be the same problem as mine...
Perhaps there is a simple solution but i`m still waiting for it
Could be, that the problem lies in the config.txt and the pi4 part. They are different:
Vous pouvez trouver un logiciel pour vous aider, peut-être qu'il peut vous OpenAI Playground aider à résoudre le problème
@Sesto2k So the feature worked properly with the last version? I never tried it with 8. Also, I'm using a Pi 3B+ but I don't think that makes a difference.
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00