Another X-Arcade Tank stick issue
Hello All,
Upgrade to version 9 today and my tanstick is not working correctly.
The issue I am having is the tankstick can be seen but the button mapping is off and some buttons are not seen.
I am in dip-switch #4 (X-input)
I can map all buttons, even though I map something to the hotkey selection I can not leave a game and get back to ES
Can someone confirm that the xarcade2jstick is the driver that handles the X-Arcade tankstick is that correct?
If I am not able to use/map all my buttons from the tankstick the xarcade2jstick is my issue?
Since version 9 when I configure a controller not all button register when I am selecting them to map. and it will not seem to map and hold a mapping for the "Hot Button" once I launch Mame. I can't not exit unless I use the KB.
Thanks for any guidance.