2 Kodi Locations
hey there! am i seeing double or are there 2 kodi locations? so there are 2 userdata-folders... the first in /usr/share/kodi/ the second in /root/.kodi/ and it seems like xml-files have to be put in just one of them... the right one for each file. so advancedsettings to /usr/share/kodi/userdata but not to /root/.kodi/userdata sources.xml has to be put in /root/.kodi/userdata but won't work in the other. or do they belong to /usr/share/kodi/userdata and then automatically moved to the /root/.kodi?? i am confused...
Hi, there is a "user" config directory, the /root one and the "system" config dirctory in /usr/share. It's normal, but it is useless in recalbox. Use the /root/.kodi one