Kodi add-ons work-around
Tonight I've been messing about with Kodi seeing if I can get some of the plugins I use on Android and Windows to work within RecalBox/Kodi. I've been using Fusion (AKA TV-Addons) which works on Openelec but like OSMC I get script errors when trying to install the package through RecalBox. Even when trying to add individual add-ons (e.g. Pheonix, Veetle etc) I get a script error and it doesn't install. I have however managed to find a way around it and thought I should share. This is how I did it. 1) I first created a fresh install of OpenElec on a spare SD card and then installed Fusion package. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA6A-YwpaSI) 2) Then I installed the 'backup' add-on. 3) Afterwards I backed up the configuration to a network drive. 4) I then put the RecalBox SD card back in and booted into Kodi. 5) I then installed 'backup' 6) Afterwards I simply restored the previously back up. Hey presto, all the add-ons are installed. (although you'll have to customize the look manually)
I really hope this helps someone.