Is it possible to use integer upscale in paralell for n64?
I saw this info about paralell core for n64: it says with paralell is possible to do integer upscale to improve game graphics.
In the retroarch menu of recalbox paralell core there isnt that option so I would like to know if I could do an online up date of paralell core from retroarch menu to use that option as my link says un paralell core
@jor2404 The Link you quoted is from 2 years ago, this option probably already exists in the latest version.
See this emulator page in the official documentation: you search for "upscaling" you will find an option that should be this one.
In the retroarch menu of recalbox paralell core there isnt that option
I'm not sure, but maybe this option is intentionally disabled on your hardware, as developers sometimes block options that are incompatible with the hardware to avoid crashes caused by users' misconfigurations on hardware that doesn't have enough power. (Or, you're using an outdated version of the system, you haven't made it clear neither your hardware nor the version of Recalbox you're using, so I'm just guessing).
According to the documentation this option can be used in a Configuration override file, but unfortunately N64 is a heavy emulator for cards up to Rpi3, it starts to perform better from Rpi4, so be careful with some options.
I Finally edited the retroarch cores file including upscaling variable as recalbox documentation for parallel says.
And now it works, the online thing that I still doesnt achieve os to set a shader for parallel because i have to set it on game every time I launch one of the games
admin 29 Sept 2022, 00:00