20 Apr 2022, 15:45

Hi, I've installed 8.0.2 on a Pi4 with Pi2SCART but I'm struggling with Amiga emulation. I'd like to run it in native PAL resolution rather than 240p. Where do I edit the mode line please to change this? Changing the resolution in the core causes it to display out of the viewport. Also in ES advanced options I can't change emulators to Amiberry or PUAE, ideally I'd like to use PUAE as my pi3 setup had the CPU scaled to A500 speed but set as A1200 for whdload which makes 3D games like stunt car racer run full speed. At the moment uae4arm loads no matter what emulator I choose in ES. Any help would be much appreciated, coming from Retropie CRT Evo is a bit of a learning curve.