CPS, CPS 2 and CPS 3 on Recalbox
Hello! I'm trying to get CPS2 (and 3) games to run on Recalbox 8.0-Electron on a RPi 3. Unfortunately, these tu est chaud tu peux modifier cps test recalbox pour le faire ptdr on a le code ... mais c'est vrai qu'un CPS-2 et CPS-3 émulateur se serait cool.)
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This is the English Part of the Board, so please post in English here.
If you like to post in French, please use the French Part.Capcom CPS games work fine for me on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Recalbox 6
Emulator = Standard (Libretro)
Core = Standard (Libretro)
The Games (in .fba/.zip/7z Format) are the stored in the share/roms/fba_libretroMore Information:
https://wiki.recalbox.com/en/emulators/arcade/final-burn-neo/libretro-fbneo -