Multi ROM Archives, 7z Support and a Compatibility-DAT-File
Hi eveyone, I just started to work with Recalbox and an Rpi3. This are the first questions came to my mind and to which I did not find an answer through google, etc. Because most of my ROMs are compressed with 7zip, is *.7z supported by Recalbox? Is it possible to read multiple ROMs out of an compressed file? Where can I find a Compaibility-DAT-File for recal box to check which ROMs are wokring and which are not? Greetings m0nKeY
Hello m0nKey and welcome on recalbox adventure :). Recalbox read perfectly the .zip file. That not a probleme if one game = one zip file But if you download a romset like n64 for exemple ;). It's possible they have made the choice to add in the 7z file all the versions of one game. You need to extract only the version you want by game. It's why recalbox doesn't support 7z file. Hop that help you. (Sorry for my english).
Thank you,
your english isn't worse then mine.
I think, I have to live with it to extract all ROMs and to zip them manually or put them directlly onto the recalbox. What about a *.DAT file for romset managment?
Yes you need to chose the version of the game you want. But because you are not a pirate, i hop you have downloaded only the games you have the propriety ;). But if you have a big phisical collection, that take a little bit of time ^^. For the .dat file, i think you speak about aracade systems like fba or mame. I recommand you to read the wiki about that for understand how the arcades systems works... It's not easy as console systems...
Of course, I own all the games physically.
Maybe I mixed it up about the DAT-File.