I just tried to load my roms from a network shared folder according to you wiki.
Unfortunately this does not work as described. I tried the recommended way for "Recalbox version >= 4.1". I edited the recalbox-boot.conf file (sharedevice=INTERNAL -> sharedevice=NETWORK) and tried the commands:
sharenetwork_cmd1="mount -t cifs // /recalbox/share -o user=recalbox,password=PASSWORD=0,gid=0,rw"
Both are not working or does to have an effect. I don't get any return from the console. I can login with the user recalbox to the share with another PC and have read/write access.
I'm also able to mount the share manually to i.e. /media/share to recalbox.
mount -t cifs // /media/roms -o user=recalbox,password=b7TBVx5RDB58I22f4oQK,uid=0,gid=0,rw
Can someone confirm and has a workaround? Can I safely use the old way for "Recalbox version <= 4.0.x"?
Greetings and marry xmas
Your wiki is not correct.
sharenetwork_cmd1=mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp /recalbox/share
This command does not work in general without quotes.