How to setup controllers in Recalbox 8.0?
I just upgraded from REcalbox 7.2.2 tot 8.0 and i can't get my controllers te setup. I have look through all the documentation but it is al Recalbox 7.2.2. menu screenshots.
Problem is that after i remapped my buttons and saved the controller profile i can't exit the menu and although it says that it saved my profile it did not. The only way to exit the menu is by powering off. After reboot the old settings are in effect.
I have calibrated my controllers several times in Racalbox 4 and 7 and never had this problem. My Recalbox is useless now
@baltar Most users with joystick issues resolve this type of issue by resetting to factory settings, available through the advanced settings menu. This does not delete any personal files (no ROM/BIOS/save/etc is deleted), but custom settings are reset.
@zing I'm running Recalbox on my Raspberry Pi 4. I was able to setup my controller, also did a factory reset (which nuked my saves game data!), and I still have the following issues:
Recalbox 8.0 detects my XBox 360 controllers and I'm able to set up all the buttons (including the hotkey, mapped to the XBox button). From inside an N64 game, while I'm able to use Hotkey+Start to exit the game, Hotkey+X doesn't get me to the Quick Menu. This is pretty key because I want to be able to access my saved states and configure my USB soundcard.
How/why does the Hotkey+X not get me into the retroarch menu? Any suggestions (other than reset which didn't work)?
Hotkey+X doesn't get me to the Quick Menu. This is pretty key because I want to be able to access my saved states and configure my USB soundcard.
Are you using a retroarch core, or a standalone emulator?
You can only access the retroarch menu when using a retroarch core, standalone emulators don't have these options...See if that helps: