Recalbox to a CRT screen with composite
I'm trying to make the latest version of Recalbox work on my tv. I'm using a Raspberry pi 2, a cable and a TV that works perfectly with Raspberry Pi OS. When I format the card and install Recalbox 8.0 it doesn't work.
I've done the Wiki procedures and other posts here on the forum.Connect your Recalbox to a CRT screen with composite
My configuration files are below:
@wenderemilio See if this helps: -
@zing thanks for you answer. I made the settings as suggested and got pictures on the TV. But now I'm stuck on the same screen. EmulatioStation does not load. Log:
[ 97.73] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134
[ 97.74] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=2040)
[ 98.65] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] emulationstation exited code 134
[ 98.66] [emulationstation-starter] [ES] started emulationstation (pid=2053)
I´ll keep trying.
Thanks again. -
@wenderemilio The problem is already being analyzed by the developers and should be fixed in the next version, which will be released soon (but it still doesn't have a scheduled date).
Please wait patiently and test with the new version as soon as it is released. -