Hi, you can follow this wiki : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Custom-controller-mapping-for-specific-system-(EN)
Customs Controler Mapping lr-mame2003?
Does anybody Know how the [system]. configfile must be Named for lr-mame2003 custom Controler Mapping? Thanks in advance
Hi, you can follow this wiki : https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Custom-controller-mapping-for-specific-system-(EN)
Yes, but the wiki says neogeo. configfile for neogeo emu, and for lr-mame2003? mame.configfile? lr-mame2003.configfile?
Can anybody paste here an example of the file generated for Mame? I dont Know why I cant acces to the retroarch Menu. And was thinking to do it manually