I'm unable to scrape games because the request returns an http 430 error.
I remember i launched it one time and it seems to work fine.
Now this is the result everytime resulting in a crash of emulationstation :
2021/10/03 21:29:19.507] (ERROR) : [ScreenScraper] Media URL: https://www.screenscraper.fr/api2/jeuInfos.php?output=json&devid=recalbox&devpassword=C3KbyjX8PKsUgm2tu53y&softname=Emulationstation-Recalbox-7.2.2-Reloaded&ssid=mynick&sspassword=mypassword&romtype=rom&systemeid=142&romnom=kof10th.zip&romtaille=44379929 - HTTP Result code = 430
Did anyone got such error please ?
Thank you.