Stuck on welcome screen in Odroid Go Advance v2
I downloaded the latest version of Recalbox (7.2.2-Reloaded) for my OGA v2 and when the welcome says 'press any button' is stucked, I pressed all the buttons from my OGA and nothing happens. My OGA is OK (I have another SD with EmuELEC and it's working just fine). Below you can find a short video.
@proco Weird, this usually happens when the problem is physical, but if it works on another system it doesn't seem to be the case...
And the SD card? What brand/model/size is it?Recommended is an original class 10 SD card. If possible, test with another SD card, or even formatting and reinstalling the system to ensure there was nothing wrong with the flash process.
@zing You're totally right. Using a newer and faster MicroSD and works like a charm.
Thanks! Now I can use Recalbox on my RPi 3B+ and in my OGA and trasnfer the .srm files between them.