12 May 2021, 11:14


I am running Recalbox 7.2.1-reloaded on a Rasberry 3b+ with the default N64 emulator.

On first launch of a game (Mario Kart 64 for instance), the graphics are OK and the game runs fine.
When I quit the game and restart it, the graphics are wrong, in a kind on 16:10 format squished in the top 2/3 of the screen. The games are playable but there are glitches, as if some elements were displayed in 4:3 and others in 16:10.

Deleting folder system/configs/mupen64 and rebooting allows me to come back to a state where the game is displayed properly. (I guess it's because files are "recovered" from share_init.)
Deleting file mupen64plus.cfg also works for the next launch, but has some issues: I can no longer quit the game using hotkey.

I had a look at the different options in the config file and indeed the file is modified at first launch so I guess the first launch somehow messes with the settings.

Anyone else experiences a similar issue? Any idea what setting might cause the problem?
