Controller works in emulationstation but not in games
I have an xbox 360 wireless controller that works fine in ES, but doesn't work with any emulators. Tried looking for a way to access retroarch (I'm assuming that's what is being used for most of the emulation), but if it exists, I haven't found it yet.
To enter RetroARCH Menu, hit "hotkey" + "B" or "A". But your controller should be OK if you can use it on ES... Maybe you should try to remap all buttons manually in ES controllers menu.
I can't access retroarch menu with “hotkey” + “B” or “A”. Guess I'll have to figure it out manually. thanks for response.
Hello in recalbox.conf : disabled ps controller enable only xboxdrv controller
# -------------- D1 - PS3 Controllers ------------ # ##Enable PS3 controllers support controllers.ps3.enabled=0 ## Choose an driver beetween official, shanwan and gasia if you have dualshock clones (official,shanwan,gasia) controllers.ps3.driver=official # ------------ D2 - XBOX Controllers ------------ # ## Xbox controllers are already supported, but xboxdrv can solve some compatibility issues ## Enable xboxdrv driver, disable this if you enabled ps3 controllers (0,1) controllers.xboxdrv.enabled=1 ## Set the amount of controllers to use with xboxdrv (0..4) controllers.xboxdrv.nbcontrols=2 reboot rpi , configure gamepad into emulationstation try again in game
And for information by default, hotkey is mapped on central xbox button (power on switch).
Thanks guys...editing recalbox.conf did the trick. I've messed around with other Raspberry Pi OSs, but I'm a noob to recalbox. Even with editing the .conf, it is still the easiest to setup so far.