Good Morning!
I'm trying to customize the Recalbox interface by arranging the order in which the systems appear in the main menu.
For this I am editing the file "es_systems.cfg" located in the path /recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/
You can read about it:
However there are 2 problems using this process:
-It is not possible to set the "Favorites" entry in the first position.
- "NES" always appears in the last position and continues to appear even if you delete all of them including it. I guess it must be a "master" system
However, the only solution I can think of would be within the "recalbox.conf" file to overload the configuration being something like this:
emulationstation.NES.position = <position index>
A positive value is the index from the beginning, a negative index is the index from the end (-1 is the last position).
Where should I add this line?
Could you set the second to last position by adding: emulationstation.NES.position = <-2>?
@Zing Any indication?