would it be possible to create a script in order to read the scores saved by the mame / neogeo and create a screen in the frontend for viewing?
would it be possible to create a script in order to read the scores saved by the mame / neogeo and create a screen in the frontend for viewing?
@jackyjoy123 Possible ? Yes. But from a realistic point of view, you would need to write a program/library able to read that hiscore data and turn it into something usable by the frontend, at the moment that hiscore data is only understandable by the game or maybe by all games from the same machine (the emulator don't understand that data, it only knows how to send it raw to the game/machine), meaning you would need to retro-engineer hundreds, thousands or maybe dozens of thousands of arcade games/machines to understand how they turn that raw data into what you see on screen. And the raw data would also probably be slightly different from an emulator to another. If you got a few years to spend working full time on this, then yes for sure it sounds feasible.