[SOFT] Universal XML Scraper - Scrappez vos roms depuis Windows (Scrape your roms from Windows)
@Supernature2k c'est que ça doit être du fiable ^^ Donc vas y surtout que c'est léger sur psi
@screech, en fait la plupart des roms PSX sur ce site sont en .cue+.bin Du coup je fourni quoi à marble?
Les 2 ^^
Nouvelle version : V1.3.0.11
Correction du bug avec le message d'erreur en cas de TimeOut ^^ ça ne devrait plus le refaire
Hey @screech. First of all: AWESOME Tool! Thank you!
I just downloaded the latest version of it and ran into an error, while trying to scrape SNES (EU Only) games in a local dir. So I was not scraping directly to my Pi. I got the following error after it actually scraped the first few games and downloaded the images (Recalbox V4 Mix)
Any Idea, what this might've caused? I'm using 64bit
EDIT: I tried the latest one just now (, 64bit) which seems to be working fine, except the SSH commands are not working for me.
EDIT 2: With the latest version it has found all my SNES Games on my PI, downloaded all the images, but only every few are displayed in ES... any idea why this is happening? (There are only 60+ games on there) -
Hello @Nachtgarm
First of all, the last version is the
And this version fixe this error message (due to a TimeOut on Screenscraper)For SSH fonction, It work (at last on my Recalbox ^^) had you change some password ?
If so, you can edit the SSH config in the UXS-config.ini file :[CONNEXION]
Menu_SSH = 1
Plink_root = root
Plink_mdp = recalboxroot
Plink_IP = RECALBOXFor your SNES Scrape, if the SSH commands doesn't work had you kill Emulationstation manually ?
If not, that's why. Be sur emulationstation is killed before scrape (you have a black screen on your recalbox when it's done)
Let me know if there is other problem
I'll try to help you as much as I can.
Great job @screech, thank's for share this.
I have three questions...I can remove "-image" in the images files in Universal XML Scraper menus, UXS-config.ini or another place?
You think about create a checkbox, menu... to add "<image>./image/game.png</image>" in XML when don't find nothing in screenscraper.fr? To us put a image manually.
Would you be interested in a Universal XML Scraper translation in Portuguese too?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4cr2vwwi7mudsd/UXS-PORTUGUESE.XML -
Hello @PumpKHeaD
Thank you very much for the translation !!!
This is the new v1.3.0.12
With portuguese language ^^Concerning the missing image I'm not sur I understand your ask :S
If you want "in XML" file "./downloaded_images/game.png" when no image where found it's easy.
Juste Add :
$ELEMENT_12 = 'image|value|./downloaded_images/game.png|variable'
just after
$ELEMENT_10 = 'image|path:image|medias/media_screenshot|path:image'
$ELEMENT_11 = 'image|path:image|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs2d/media_box2d_%%|path:image'Don't forget to increment the following ELEMENT (12 become 13, 13 become 14 and so on til the end of the profile)
With this, you can have a unique image for every missing one.
If you want Adding in XML "./downloaded_images/xxx.png" where xxx.png is the name of the game. I need to check what I can do
(but it's not impossible, I just need a little more time to see how to do it
At last, for now it's impossible to remove the "-image" postfix to the file name. I need this for multiple image option (like if you want screenshot and 2DBox you can make a profile where there is "-screenshot" and "-2DBox" in the same directory.)
But I can give you an easy way to do it fast
Use a soft like xnview to mass rename your file (replace "-image." with "." in the filename)
And with notepad or other text editor, do the same (replace "-image." with ".") in your gamelist.xmlAnd voila ^^
@screech Thanks for the fast reply. So yes, all is working now as it should. I forgot, that I renamed my PI so of course I had to change the .ini as well.
Is the error I posted above the time-out error you are speaking of? Does not sound like one, but anyway... it has not reappeared after using
What do you think about a German Translation? Do you want me to help with that? Further I'd like to post your tool in the German Section as well, with a German Tutorial, if are ok, with it.
The error you posted is an error because in case of Timeout I'll try to show the real error code. And it's not working and crash the soft ^^
So now (in last version), in case of timeout you just have a message ^^ no error code so no problem ^^I'll be happy with a german translation ^^ (But I don't speak a word of german :p) Feel free to translate it and to post a Tuto in german section ^^
(I'll add the translate when you send it to me ^^)
Many thanks for your support.
@screech Awesome!
Thanks for the quick merge. I'll add a German Tutorial soon to the subforum. -
Wow it was very fast! Thanks @screech.
Was just that =]
"If you want Adding in XML "./downloaded_images/xxx.png" where xxx.png is the name of the game."And I can download only 3D box arts? I change UXS-config.ini in Recalbox v4:
$ELEMENT_10 = 'image|path:image|medias/media_screenshot|path:image' to $ELEMENT_10 = 'image|path:image|medias/media_boxs/media_boxs3d|path:image' but it did not work. -
Dont forget the _%% at the end. But yes it's that
And I Will see for the modification
Yes work with _%%! Thanks again :]
But now a have that problem, with all versions.
strange ?? when ?
Can you send me the end of you rlog and your UXS-config.inin ?I will check Why
The log is empty only with this: "Universal XML Scraper | Demarrage le 24/07/16 - 07:04:02"
I don't now what to do, this heppens whit all versions. I try in another computer too and the same thing
The UXS-config.ini is original version. Maybe my internet I think, with others I talked keeps running normally
Hey @screech. Is there a chance that you add these messages in multiple languages too?
If MsgBox($MB_OKCANCEL, "KillAll Emulationstation", "Etes vous sur de vouloir arreter EmulationStation ? ") = $IDOK Then
If MsgBox($MB_OKCANCEL, "Reboot", "Etes vous sur de vouloir Rebooter la machine distante ?") = $IDOK Then
Salut screech, ton scraper est vraiment formidable !
Quand on Kill l’Emulationstation, pourrai tu rajouter un message de confirmation ?
Quand le (ou la) Pi est brancher sur la TV, on le voit bien à l’écran qu’il est mort, mais quand il est brancher sur le PC, on le tue à l’aveuglette sans vraiment savoir s’il est mort (c’est gai tout ça !)GBA :
Asterix & Obelix - Bash Them All! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).7z A6604D26 2 498 110 15:14.00 2016-04-14
Asterix & Obelix XXL (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).7z 4982F5C7 4 336 452 15:14.00 2016-04-14
Bubble Bobble - Old & New (USA).7z 386DABE0 1 006 374 15:19.00 2016-04-14
Classic NES Series - Castlevania (USA).7z 72213C93 1 020 920 15:20.00 2016-04-14
Combo Pack - Sonic Advance + Sonic Pinball Party (USA) (En,Ja,Fr,De,FBDFB125 4 305 392 15:21.00 2016-04-14
Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 1 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).7z 52200376 7 042 100 15:21.00 2016-04-14
Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 2 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl).7z 97A32753 7 382 271 15:21.00 2016-04-14
Crash & Spyro Superpack - Spyro - Season of Ice + Crash Bandicoot - E309C010 7 118 219 15:21.00 2016-04-14
Crash & Spyro Superpack - Spyro Orange - The Cortex Conspiracy + CraF7D6C258 10 884 399 15:21.00 2016-04-14
Disney's Game + TV Episode - Lizzie McGuire 2 - Lizzie Diaries (USA)BE0C3874 23 504 738 15:25.00 2016-04-14
Drake & Josh (USA) (En,Fr).7z C3507405 1 354 186 15:27.00 2016-04-14
Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (USA).7z 23E481CC 1 791 174 15:27.00 2016-04-14
Elf Bowling 1 & 2 (USA).7z EF0E4685 686 712 15:28.00 2016-04-14
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (USA, Australia).7z E77C6DDD 8 982 945 15:30.00 2016-04-14
Game & Watch Gallery 4 (USA).7z 85C31A35 2 017 840 15:32.00 2016-04-14
Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, The (USA).7z E6C1A1EE 4 577 170 15:38.00 2016-04-14
Kirby & the Amazing Mirror (USA).7z 5A6AAE57 4 689 006 15:44.00 2016-04-14
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past & Four Swords (USA, Austra3FFD6BDD 2 912 484 15:46.00 2016-04-14
Lilo & Stitch (USA).7z 96989E75 2 888 016 15:47.00 2016-04-14
Lilo & Stitch 2 - Haemsterviel Havoc (USA).7z 8A5156C3 3 396 004 15:47.00 2016-04-14
M&M's - Blast! (USA).7z 2CEA85A8 3 531 399 15:48.00 2016-04-14
M&M's - Break 'em (USA) (Rev 1).7z B0D01DDE 1 283 096 15:48.00 2016-04-14
Magical Quest 2 Starring Mickey & Minnie (USA) (En,Fr,De).7z 231AF1DE 1 929 263 15:48.00 2016-04-14
Magical Quest 3 Starring Mickey & Donald (USA) (En,Fr,De).7z F3BA776C 2 061 647 15:48.00 2016-04-14
Magical Quest Starring Mickey & Minnie (USA).7z 97061015 952 137 15:48.00 2016-04-14
Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga (USA, Australia).7z CBC4F3BF 5 575 071 15:49.00 2016-04-14
Mega Man & Bass (USA).7z 6FD4EED7 4 013 008 15:50.00 2016-04-14
Ozzy & Drix (USA).7z D45E57B0 3 002 825 15:56.00 2016-04-14
Paws & Claws - Best Friends - Dogs & Cats (USA).7z 525846B6 1 873 734 15:56.00 2016-04-14
Paws & Claws - Pet Resort (USA).7z FF1156A4 2 043 458 15:56.00 2016-04-14
Pocky & Rocky with Becky (USA).7z A8A469BD 1 728 100 15:57.00 2016-04-14
Pokemon Pinball - Ruby & Sapphire (USA).7z 8E25E28A 2 159 533 15:57.00 2016-04-14
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time & Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The 643B4B87 8 291 274 15:58.00 2016-04-14
Spirits & Spells (USA).7z C2BA3337 2 755 844 16:05.00 2016-04-14
Starsky & Hutch (USA).7z F8ECEA49 1 361 497 16:06.00 2016-04-14
Suite Life of Zack & Cody, The - Tipton Caper (USA) (En,Fr).7z 345462F6 1 913 663 16:07.00 2016-04-14
Three-in-One Pack - Connect Four + Perfection + Trouble (USA).7z 7C96567B 766 072 16:10.00 2016-04-14
Three-in-One Pack - Risk + Battleship + Clue (USA) (Rev 1).7z AD56F815 1 462 254 16:10.00 2016-04-14
Three-in-One Pack - Sorry! + Aggravation + Scrabble Junior (USA).7z F2761395 1 167 527 16:10.00 2016-04-14
Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure & Rayman 3 (Europe) (En,FrDBB5B0CF 5 483 738 16:15.00 2016-04-14
Aleck Bordon Adventure - Tower & Shaft Advance (Japan).7z CF9E0091 1 860 880 15:13.00 2016-04-14
Elevator Action - Old & New (Japan).7z DE1A1473 1 197 052 15:28.00 2016-04-14
Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2 (Japan).7z 31D35E36 4 274 084 15:36.00 2016-04-14
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 3 & 4 (Japan).7z 47124777 981 368 15:43.00 2016-04-14SNES :
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Eye of the Beholder (USA).zip AEB770AE 589 251 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Adventures of Batman & Robin, The (USA).zip E7CE0457 1 425 957 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Asterix & Obelix (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es).zip 6115CE7D 1 166 418 06:44.00 2016-04-13
BS-X - Sore wa Namae o Nusumareta Machi no Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1C4783F8F 455 460 06:58.00 2016-04-13
Dig & Spike Volleyball (USA).zip 50A1FB56 516 127 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Dragon Quest I & II (Japan).zip C9AF184A 844 837 06:47.00 2016-04-13
Dream Basketball - Dunk & Hoop (Japan).zip 3A36053C 590 794 06:47.00 2016-04-13
Drift King Shutokou Battle 2 - Tsuchiya Keiichi & Bandou Masaaki (Ja8AA8F1BB 1 036 429 06:47.00 2016-04-13
Drift King Shutokou Battle '94 - Tsuchiya Keiichi & Bandou Masaaki (DBB1B3F0 985 964 06:47.00 2016-04-13
Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally + Speed Racer (USA).zip 4B61B981 2 210 837 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Final Fantasy IV (Japan) (Rev 1) [En by J2e v3.21] [Bug Fix by DeathE13B8562 742 668 13:52.00 2016-04-13
Final Fantasy V (Japan) [En by RPGe v1.1].zip F73B6A82 1 499 779 13:52.00 2016-04-13
Final Fantasy VI (Japan) [En by RPGOne v1.2b] [All Bug Fixes].zip 4DB92A82 2 408 777 13:53.00 2016-04-13
Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Douchuu - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake (Japa20DB5085 2 243 004 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Genjuu Ryodan (Japan) (NP).zip 7E8174C6 1 627 447 06:59.00 2016-04-13
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (USA).zip 4DA18DDC 965 935 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Itchy & Scratchy Game, The (USA).zip 644F6388 601 084 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Joe & Mac (USA).zip F22E4270 627 961 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Joe & Mac 2 - Lost in the Tropics (USA).zip EEAAE2B2 737 902 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Kiki KaiKai - Nazo no Kuro Mantle (Japan).zip 289E11E4 717 102 04:08.00 2016-06-23
King Arthur & The Knights of Justice (USA).zip 0A14A976 2 000 367 06:50.00 2016-04-13
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (F).zip EEAD09F6 708 343 04:12.00 2016-06-23
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom (USA).zip 69B2E738 816 919 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Metal Slader Glory - Director's Cut (Japan) (NP).zip 29A85030 1 736 557 06:59.00 2016-04-13
Mick & Mack as the Global Gladiators (USA) (Proto) [b].zip B69F3E3A 1 281 740 06:51.00 2016-04-13
Mini Yonku Let's & Go!! - Power WGP 2 (Japan).zip CEBD262B 1 165 186 06:59.00 2016-04-13
Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion - Let's & Go!! (Japan).zip FE71A8F2 2 021 770 06:59.00 2016-04-13
Mohawk & Headphone Jack (USA).zip C93DA707 1 477 834 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Newman Haas IndyCar featuring Nigel Mansell (USA).zip C629CB53 923 719 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Nintendo Power Menu Program (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP).zip 7BF53C21 39 755 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Oekaki Logic (Japan) (NP).zip 6F910C56 186 923 06:59.00 2016-04-13
Oekaki Logic 2 (Japan) (NP).zip 0028FC6E 167 240 06:59.00 2016-04-13
Operation Logic Bomb - The Ultimate Search & Destroy (USA).zip 5E7B1CB4 528 083 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Packy & Marlon (USA) (En,Fr,Es).zip C78FFAED 448 642 06:52.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 1 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP).zip EF7A4BC7 436 047 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 2 (Japan) (Rev 1) (NP).zip 5F3C4F2C 526 227 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 3 (Japan) (NP).zip 3C2B0B8F 512 389 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 4 (Japan) (NP).zip 4891810F 538 102 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 5 (Japan) (NP).zip 882D7084 523 067 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 6 (Japan) (NP).zip C86109E4 731 092 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 7 (Japan) (NP).zip 152007ED 731 171 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Picross NP Vol. 8 (Japan) (NP).zip 7925D059 738 563 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Pocky & Rocky (USA).zip C7AB07E2 706 020 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Pocky & Rocky 2 (USA).zip 6BA98773 936 226 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Power Lode Runner (Japan) (NP).zip D49BCB6A 533 384 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Buckeroo$! (USA).zip 92A2809F 666 595 06:53.00 2016-04-13
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Fire Dogs (USA).zip 503CA13C 369 671 06:53.00 2016-04-13
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Time Warp (USA).zip 3DAA3A3D 1 012 801 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots! (USA).zip BAAC8A10 816 102 11:26.00 2016-04-13
Ring ni Kakero (Japan) (NP).zip 5C8E55BA 1 274 511 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Rockman & Forte (Japan).zip A2399E2D 2 084 588 06:53.00 2016-04-13
Seijuu Maden Beasts & Blades (Japan).zip 978AED50 1 450 911 06:53.00 2016-04-13
Shadow, The (USA) (Proto 2).zip D2E2E489 1 310 337 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Shin Momotarou Densetsu (Japan) (Rev 1).zip D68B73FA 1 364 533 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Soul & Sword (Japan).zip 7CE0E33B 1 028 419 06:54.00 2016-04-13
Sound Factory (Japan) (En) (Proto).zip 8F1CF40B 619 148 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Spider-Man - Venom - Maximum Carnage (USA).zip 5A44E075 1 207 622 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Spider-Man - X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (USA).zip C8CBDAEE 637 493 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (USA).zip 04BE3DA2 1 369 145 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Star Fox 2 (Japan) (Proto 2).zip F045E85D 680 030 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Sugoro Quest++ - Dicenics (Japan).zip 1D7D201A 1 001 958 06:55.00 2016-04-13
Super 3D Noah's Ark (USA) (Unl).zip F3D81328 506 963 06:55.00 2016-04-13
Super Chinese World 2 - Uchuuichi Butou Taikai (Japan).zip 8C900F16 1 217 579 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Super Famicom Wars (Japan) (NP).zip E4516268 1 104 920 06:55.00 2016-04-13
Super Family Gelaende (Japan) (NP).zip 5726563B 1 249 175 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Super Jinsei Game 3 (Japan) (Rev 1).zip 0CA58805 1 138 886 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA).zip 719BCA29 1 335 836 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan) (Rev 1).zip 0AA452E3 390 552 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Sword World SFC 2 - Inishie no Kyojin Densetsu (Japan) (Rev 1).zip 52987ED0 1 093 427 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Sylvester and Tweety (USA) (Proto 2).zip AC8E8565 111 893 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Tamagotch Town (Japan) (NP).zip 30303B94 475 111 07:00.00 2016-04-13
Tetris & Dr. Mario (USA).zip 8917B7F0 230 556 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends (USA).zip 007257FE 798 131 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (USA).zip EA229446 1 055 957 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Torneko no Daibouken - Fushigi no Dungeon (Japan) (Rev 1).zip 1594CF60 761 437 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Traverse - Starlight & Prairie (Japan).zip 03B1C2D0 2 283 991 06:57.00 2016-04-13
Venom - Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (USA).zip 5D6B7930 1 310 939 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Wile E's Revenge (Europe) (Proto).zip F8EB656C 890 054 06:57.00 2016-04-13
Wizardry I-II-III - Story of Llylgamyn (Japan) (NP).zip F2FCF02F 1 495 973 06:58.00 2016-04-13
Yokozuna Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1).zip 4F910127 413 987 11:27.00 2016-04-13
Zootto Mahjong! (Japan) (NP).zip F298FF7E 1 508 351 06:58.00 2016-04-13NEOGEO :
kf10thep.zip 661FE2C6 43 249 242 17:33.00 2015-11-26
mslug3b6.zip 6B12367B 2 216 272 17:33.00 2015-11-26
pbobble2.zip E39ECC41 5 124 829 14:35.00 2014-06-28Bonne continuation
Il me semble également que tu veux nos fichiers missing ?
Voilà pour moi :