11 Oct 2020, 19:39

Hi all,
I would like to share my GPI case mod which I have finished this weekend.
All of the modding ideas came not from my side. All the credits go to this indian guy on Youtube who actually modded his GPI case(s) in a very cool way 🙂 --> Just search for it on Youtube.

On my side I have decided to change the controls to match the SNES and replace the shoulder buttons to be more practical. Actually the most practical thing is the 4000 mAh LiPo battery / USB charger mod which gives it real added value 👍

I placed the charger in a way that you still can see the charging leds (red = charging, blue = charged) when the cartridge is not plugged. Here some inpiration (Sorry for the bad mechanical work, i have two left hands sometimes 🙂 ).



