XBox One Controller not usable after firmware update
Possible to update to Recalbox 4.0? ALso check your configuration file, do you have xboxdrv enabled? If so do you have ps3 driver disabled?
looks like a xboxdrv issue, not sure we can do much about it
Yes indeed, a PR seems to correct this problem, but it is not merged So maybe switch the xboxdrv repo until this fix is merged upstream ? If I build a binary, could you test it ?
Thanks for the answers. I already tested various configuration of xboxdrv and ps3. @rockaddicted: If you can build me an binary with that commit for xboxone i would really appreciate it and test it.
I just saw that the driver xpad might help, see . How can i use xpad with recalbox? By the way how can i build and use it with recalbox?
xpad is the default driver used in recalbox (xboxdrv driver disabled) Someone have tested the new recalbox 4.0.0 beta1 version ?
@lentilky please check your mp
I have the same issue with a Xbox One Controller updated, please share and send me the how to apply the fix
That didn't work...
hello someone on recalbox 4.0.0 to test a fix about xbox one gamepad support ?
This gamepad was compatible ... in the past ... but Microsoft had updated the firmware, and xbox one gamepad is no more supported. So, can you test something ? go in your
file, check if the xboxdrv driver is disabled :# ------------ D2 - XBOX Controllers ------------ # ## Xbox controllers are already supported, but xboxdrv can solve some compatibility issues ## Enable xboxdrv driver, disable this if you enabled ps3 controllers (0,1) controllers.xboxdrv.enabled=0 ## Set the amount of controllers to use with xboxdrv (0..4) controllers.xboxdrv.nbcontrols=2
Then always in this file, switch on nightlies updates :
# ------------ G - UPDATES ------------ # ## Automatically check for updates at start (0,1) updates.enabled=1 # default : stable ; set to beta to get the next version currently beeing tested. set to unstable at your own risk to get the developpment version. updates.type=stable
Then save and reboot. RecalboxOS will alert you than an update is available. Go in system options, then start update. Once reboot, update process ok, plug your xbox one gamepad in USB, then try it.
Now the XBox One Controller (wired) work again! Thank you rockaddicted It works with the latest development version of 4 (updates.type=unstable). With the normal version 4 it does not work.
Out of curiosity, did the controller change its protocol to converse with the systems?
Greetings! I'm currently using RetroPie, and I have encountered the same problem - I have two Xbone controllers, one of which has the firmware update described above and the other does not. The one WITH the update stopped worked immediately after installing it, and it was working before that. A couple questions: 1. What's the nature of the change you made to fix it for Recalbox? What was the cause? Can I replicate it for Retropie? I'd be happy to submit a pull request if I'm able to fix it. 2. Is it possible for me to switch from RetroPie to RecalBox without losing currently saved ROM states? I'm guessing not, but figured I'd ask...