4K TV issues.
Upgraded to an LG 4K TV recently and had some issues with the resolution after booting my Recalbox. The system boots in full-screen at the correct aspect ratio but reduces to 1/4 of the screen at the Recalbox boot screen. Tried several different settings on the tv itself to no avail. I'll attach a link to a video of the issue as I cant find any information of other users experiencing the same thing. Any help would be appreciated and you're welcome to call me an idiot if this is something simple. Thanks in advance
Video Link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Ynu9pgewPLze0HM0ZcmShaPGqw5dd-xG
- topic:timeago_later,11 days
Hi, you can try to change de video options in recalbox.conf to "default" ?