5 Jan 2016, 08:10

Good Evening. Recently, I experienced Recalbox for the first time. I was quite pleased. My first game experienced with Recalbox was my favorite from childhood -Maniac Mansion for the NES. There exist an issue for which I hope someone on this forum can provide able aisstance: I am unable to get SegaCD emulation to function. When I launch a SegaCD game I am taken to a blank black screen before being taken back to the RecalBox SegaCD menu interace (where a player can select a SegaCD game to launch). The following data may (or may not) assist in providing able assistance: 1) BIOS files are uploaded.  The mst MD5 checksum program confirms these are the correct BIOS files. 2) Only .cue files thus far have been successfuly uploaded. Files such as .bin and .iso are rejected. All file uploads were conducted using a web browser pointed to the applicable IP address. The preceding statements have proven true for multiple SegaCD titles. Thank you for your able assistance. Such assistance is utmost appreciated. I look forward to playing Double Switch. Also, a DosBox addition to Recalbox would likely prove quite a pleasing experience.