just found this post from @acris (https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/2949/rom-specific-controller-config/6
"Hello a solution for fba libretro and core compatibles. You must use Save Game Remap Option to create mapping for a game. Unfortunately this option is not available for all cores, it is absent include core mame 2003, but is expected by the team libretro. This option create a file / recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/remap/system/name_game.rmp inputs containing information for each player: EXEMPLE 1943KAI sous FBA LIBRETRO : /recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/remap/FBA Alpha/1943kai.rmp IN GAME : USER 1 FIRE Y AND BOMB B I Prefer FIRE B BOMB A
retroarch Menu > hotkey+B Quick Menu > Core inputs options Modify mapping button : To user auto loading core option : Save ON EXIT > ON User per-game core option > ON Load Rempa file auto > ON Go out retroarch Menu (hotkey+B) To verify that the option is enabled, quit the game and restart it. The file is automatically reloaded if it is available."
I'm not finding the "load remap file auto > ON"
Maybe this option will solve the problem... anyone knows where it is on retroarch menu?
Just don't understand why when I start a game, it says "game remap file loaded", but it's not...
it's something like the system is reading the file...
anyway, how can I confirm the path that Libretro is looking for the remap files?
thanks again