Some games from Capcom in the FBA Libretro such as Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3 and the X-Men Children of the Atom, the commands are not working. Tightening Select, Start, etc ... and nothing happens, and even the keyboard commands work. In other games, such as Metal Slug and The King of Fighter for example, functions normally. How to fix it?
Capcom games commands not working on FBA Libretro
Some games from Capcom in the FBA Libretro such as Street Fighter Alpha 2 and 3 and the X-Men Children of the Atom, the commands are not working. Tightening Select, Start, etc ... and nothing happens, and even the keyboard commands work. In other games, such as Metal Slug and The King of Fighter for example, functions normally. How to fix it?
It's only select that doesn't work, as you might have the hotkey on it. We are working on that issue.