I have the jzIntv bios zip file.
the readme in the intellivision rom folder is not clear which bios files are needed and do I put them in the same intellivision rom folder along with the rest of the rom games, or am I supposed to create a new folder under \share\bios\machines and drop them in there somewhere?
Solved Intellivsion Bios
I have the jzIntv bios zip file.
the readme in the intellivision rom folder is not clear which bios files are needed and do I put them in the same intellivision rom folder along with the rest of the rom games, or am I supposed to create a new folder under \share\bios\machines and drop them in there somewhere? -
@tdelios isn’t this clear enough?
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Add-system-bios-(EN) -
@paradadf thx.. that worked.. it would be great if that link was in the readme text file for each of the console systems that need it.