Hi all Maybe it is a strange request - but I do not want that the hotkey quits the emulator. I know, if i would have succes, that I need to restart the whole PI or need access to the shell to quit emulator. Everytime I change "Joy Mapping Stop" to an empty string some script is overwriting the config if i start the emulation again. I found in /recalbox/scripts/ createmupenconfig.sh and changed the part which puts in the hotkey... And also tried to delete that script. Without any succes, something is still overwriting my mupen config. Any Ideas how i can prevent this?
I don't want a hotkey in mupen64
Hi all
Maybe it is a strange request - but I do not want that the hotkey quits the emulator. I know, if i would have succes, that I need to restart the whole PI or need access to the shell to quit emulator. Everytime I change "Joy Mapping Stop" to an empty string some script is overwriting the config if i start the emulation again. I found in /recalbox/scripts/ createmupenconfig.sh and changed the part which puts in the hotkey... And also tried to delete that script. Without any succes, something is still overwriting my mupen config. Any Ideas how i can prevent this?
Hi, you can't for now.
Ah, thats bad. But thanks for confirming