[Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
@myst Looks fabulous!
Does the preview-video come from screenscraper?A bit off-topic, but as you already are implementing it, you maybe have an answer:
Is it possible to add preview videos only, WITHOUT touching other meta-data of existing gamelist?
I'm asking because it took me a long, long time (almost got insane) to modify and correct everthing to what I'd call perfection (correct titles, release dates, genres, descriptions, pictures...) Screensraper data is good, but many things are incomplete, in a bad format or wrong so far, though.
So I don't want to re-scrape everything and correct it again, but just ONLY ADD the preview-videos to existing meta-data...
I'm currently using software "Skraper", if this helps. -
@lhari84 said in [Recalbox 6.1][Complete][Snap Videos] Next Pixel theme:
I'm asking because it took me a long, long time (almost got insane
) to modify and correct everthing to what I'd call perfection (correct titles, release dates, genres, descriptions, pictures...) Screensraper data is good, but many things are incomplete, in a bad format or wrong so far, though.
So I don't want to re-scrape everything and correct it again, but just ONLY ADD the preview-videos to existing meta-data...My heart hurts when I read comments like that. Why on earth would anyone correct things locally and not in the ScreenScraper database, so EVERYONE can profit from all the needed improvements. The database is cummunity driven and too many people have spent countless hours just so someone like you can just scrape and everything is (almost) perfect for you. If you would have corrected all upstream, it is just a matter of rescraping, as many times as you want, and you would get always better results.
@myst +1 pour réduire le volume, je me suis fait surprendre en changeant de thème !
Sinon c'est vraiment du beau travail, j'adore ton thème !
@paradadf the screenscraper team asked for help here and didn't even bother to respond to questions.
and furthermore you can have a very specific scrape setup like your own genre names or what to hide or not which doesn't align at all with screenscraper
@lhari84 everything is from screenscrapper but with custom mix, that means scrapping everything again (withcache not a huge deal) but maybe just save your gamelist xml before scrapping (skrapper can save it automatically) and reapply them after scrapping
@myst La vidéo avec le boitier 3D + et la cartouche à côté, c'est pas (encore) réalisable, si ? Parce que c'est ce que je voulais faire avec Skraper et j'ai pas pu (ou pas réussi) !
@voljega maybe, but as you know, it isn’t usually the case. I always try to fix grammar and wrong encodings upstream when I find them. No many do that.
@scavy Si tu parles du gif video que j'ai posté, non ce n'est pas possible directement. J'utilise un mix custom et j'ai du adapter un peu mon theme. Je plublirai tout ça pour la prochaine version du theme.
@scavy said in [Recalbox 6.1][Complete][Snap Videos] Next Pixel theme:
@myst Merci, oki. Ptet que @bkg2k peut nous proposer un mix vidéo+autre média via skraper lors d'une prochaine mise à jour ? C'est réalisable ?
C'est drole on l'a évoqué ce matin mais ne compte pas trop la dessus c'est trop complexe pour pas dire impossible en l'état.
Mais ma petite "bidouille" marche pas trop mal -
@myst Oki, je comprends, je ne me rends pas compte de la difficulté. C'est déjà génial qu'on est la vidéo lol On en veut toujours plus mais on sait être aussi content de ce que l'on a
Short question: Do I need a special Mediaset configuration for scraping media with Skraper?
@starmagoo Hello! What do you mean with "Mediaset"? For now you may scrap with any mixes but i'm working on a special mix for better video integration
@paradadf Sorry, I didn't even know that I can participate and change Screenscraper's data source the time I was reviewing my local gamelist.
Further I don't know if anybody else wants the things changed the way like I did.
Regarding genres for example, it was a bug in Skraper, these tags even where missing at all for a longer time period, even though the tag was existing at Screenscraper's database. In this case the only way was to add them locally.Next time I scrape (for example when adding more systems on a Pi 4 with more RAM), I'll try to do changes online.
v1.2.1 available
just released a patch version to fix musics loudness.
Your ears will enjoy it! -
@myst Merci, le son est nickel !
@myst Look, in Skraper you can choose different Mediasets like "5 Image Mix", "Box 2D", Box 3D", Box 2D (Side)" and so on. Is a certain mediaset relevant for a good look?
@starmagoo internal mix > screenscrapper v2 looks great for me, but i'm working on a special mix for this theme for a better video integration