Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
Hello, I can't Edit the recalbox.conf file to set updates.type from "stable" to "theUrlOfFirstUpdate".
when i save the file (i'm using WinScp), and go back to it, the url is replaced by "stable".
So when I update the recalbox after the reboot I have a yellow lightning on top right of my screen, so I have to flash my sd again with the orginial file.
I have a 3b+. -
Is there a newer beta than the one previously available? Are we close to the stable version being released?
@marcos-breviglieri said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Is there a newer beta than the one previously available? Are we close to the stable version being released?
@Substring did not post anything on this forum for more than a month! Is he okay?
@maxmoro77 he left the project
@voljega We greatly appreciate his contribution but are there other developers continuing the effort or is Recalbox on hold if he was the sole developer?
@mi7chy there are other developers continuing the project
@vincent-84 said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Glad to heard this.
Some precision about my message above : each time I start a game, both of my two SFC30pro controllers are disconnected.
That doesn't occur with USB-c connexion. -
after install, recalbox want an update. I try it, than it was all black on the screen.
Wired CSL GamePad works .. (i have an 3b+) but no one game starts … after changing Simulator it starts not, too. -
@d**n_it666 did you bother readingvthe first message in this subject ?
@d**n_it666 : In first message : no update after install. ^^
@voljega said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
@mi7chy there are other developers continuing the project
Would it be possible to estimate the release date of a stable version? Only an approximate estimate! Days, weeks or other months? Thanks a lot!
@maxmoro77 between weeks and mounths probably
Hi there. The Master version was the best. Can you release this version again? All Emus worked in master version for the 3b+.
Now i have the 18.07.13 version on my pi 3b+ is this a stable version ?? greets Robert -
Using Pi3b+ with xbox game pad, games on N64 run fine.
Using Kodi, I can reach and watch videos from my Upnp NAS, but plugin incursion fails to access movies. I have exactly the same Kodi/Incursion configuration on my laptop running Ubuntu 18 and it runs perfectly.
Looks like Kodi+Incursion cannot access web, while it's ok on my laptop on same network.
There is no specific error in the logs. -
Nobody needs kodi on recalbox. You can install librelec to use kodi.
@bertl1005 A lot of people need Kodi on recalbox. For many off us it's the main use because it's on the TV.
This post is deleted! -
Hi friends,
Good news! We've fixed many bugs and had to rewrite a lot of code, but here we go, the beta is still on a good, very good development process. All these improvements are not visible yet, but we've decided to release a new beta version anyway, so here are some visible changes:
- ES: Fix Music Thread issues
- B*mp Kodi's Youtube Plugin to version 6.2.2
- Add Pi3B+ Overclocking Values and improve Pi3B's Overclocking value consistency
- Fix: unstable wifi
Direct links updated in 1st post.
If you want to upgrade from previous beta, be sure in
the lineupdates.type
is set to:
@oyyodams +1000000000 !
Thanks a lot for all the Dev team !!!