Is there a newer beta than the one previously available? Are we close to the stable version being released?
Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
First of all : I'm a noob.
That's my very first configuration (Rpi3B+, Superpi Case with shutdown, 2x 8bitdo SFC30pro) so it's kind of hard for me to make the difference between systemic issue and specific issue linked to this beta version.-
A lot of issues with bluetooth connection for the 2x SFC30pro, resolved by a connection through the USB-C cables.
Are you still working on the bluetooth for Rpi3 or is-it a beta's problem ? -
Lag on some N64 games (seems normal), will you add some overclock menu with the Rpi3B+ to go upper than 1400MHz ?
Sound output auto : sometimes it doestn't work with HDMI connection (need to specifie HDMI output, then it goes fine).
distant restart doesn't work most of the time. could it be an interaction with the superpi case and the "local" restart ?
system often crash when I push it to far (like trying to scrappe other than 8000 roms in one time...)
Otherwize you're work is very impressive (since now emulation could be used by everyone).
I'm a new user of Recalbox. (i know, an other noob... and more : i'm french !)
I use a Rpi3B+, with a noname SD card (class 10, 32gb), and Kingston usb key.
(I'm waiting my Sandisk SDcard and Sandisk Usb key)
My gamepad is an original PS3 gamepad.
I've install the img direct link with Etcher on my sd card.Many problem with my config :
- Impossible to use de ps3 gamepad in BlueTooth : so many problem after quit a game, like the gamepad needs to be remap but impossible to go to the menu...
- Issue with the virtual Keyboard you know
- And the most important issue : big problems with EStation. Impossible to quit or reboot from ES menu : always crash and black screen. I always have to quit with the webmanager. But sometimes, when i scrap some games (just 300 or 500), it crash with webmanager too.
So sometimes i loose my scrap or favorites.
I'will try to post a report, when i will have understand how to do it...
Good job, and Goodluck !
About favorites and scrap :
- Two or three times i reset my gamelist.xml for megadrive and supernes, and always problems. I can have scraps, but not favorites. When i had them, most of the times they no longer there next times. And sometimes, all the scraps are erased.
May be my kingston usb or my noname sd ? I'll tell you after i recept a better material than actually.
I found how to use gpio controler.
it works on the main screen.
I can go in sub menu, change parameters ,....but when I try to start a game, it go back to the main menu.
In the controler parameters, I select controler 1 & 2 -> gpio
nothing to resolve this problem ?
Is it necessary to use an us controler ?thanks for the job & help
Hello, I can't Edit the recalbox.conf file to set updates.type from "stable" to "theUrlOfFirstUpdate".
when i save the file (i'm using WinScp), and go back to it, the url is replaced by "stable".
So when I update the recalbox after the reboot I have a yellow lightning on top right of my screen, so I have to flash my sd again with the orginial file.
I have a 3b+. -
Is there a newer beta than the one previously available? Are we close to the stable version being released?
@marcos-breviglieri said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Is there a newer beta than the one previously available? Are we close to the stable version being released?
@Substring did not post anything on this forum for more than a month! Is he okay?
@maxmoro77 he left the project
@voljega We greatly appreciate his contribution but are there other developers continuing the effort or is Recalbox on hold if he was the sole developer?
@mi7chy there are other developers continuing the project
@vincent-84 said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Glad to heard this.
Some precision about my message above : each time I start a game, both of my two SFC30pro controllers are disconnected.
That doesn't occur with USB-c connexion. -
after install, recalbox want an update. I try it, than it was all black on the screen.
Wired CSL GamePad works .. (i have an 3b+) but no one game starts … after changing Simulator it starts not, too. -
@d**n_it666 did you bother readingvthe first message in this subject ?
@d**n_it666 : In first message : no update after install. ^^
@voljega said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
@mi7chy there are other developers continuing the project
Would it be possible to estimate the release date of a stable version? Only an approximate estimate! Days, weeks or other months? Thanks a lot!
@maxmoro77 between weeks and mounths probably
Hi there. The Master version was the best. Can you release this version again? All Emus worked in master version for the 3b+.
Now i have the 18.07.13 version on my pi 3b+ is this a stable version ?? greets Robert -
Using Pi3b+ with xbox game pad, games on N64 run fine.
Using Kodi, I can reach and watch videos from my Upnp NAS, but plugin incursion fails to access movies. I have exactly the same Kodi/Incursion configuration on my laptop running Ubuntu 18 and it runs perfectly.
Looks like Kodi+Incursion cannot access web, while it's ok on my laptop on same network.
There is no specific error in the logs. -
Nobody needs kodi on recalbox. You can install librelec to use kodi.
@bertl1005 A lot of people need Kodi on recalbox. For many off us it's the main use because it's on the TV.