N64 controls don't work
When I try to play a Nintendo 64 rom, the controls do nothing, only the hotkey does, and that exits the emulator. What can I do to make the controllers work? Me and a couple of friends are really eager to destroy our friendship with Mario Party!
Mupen64plus is not a retroarch emulator, it is a standalone version. So you don't have acces to the special commands, and you need to configure it manually. There is a tuto on how to setup your controller, but it is in french. So try to read it with google translate, and if you don't understand, someone will translate it. http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/configuration-manette-mupen64plus/ If you want add special commands on your controller, you can look these posts : http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/v3-3-0-beta-testers-needed-besoin-de-beta-testeurs/page/11/#post-12381 https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-os/issues/441#issuecomment-145852346