29 Sept 2015, 10:29

Hi! I am on a RPi-2 and everything went fine at first. I have updated from beta5 to beta6 without any Problems and was able to Transfer files via WLAN Network Connection. But then all of a sudden nothing of this works anymore.   When I try to Transfer more files an error apears "Sie benötigen Berechtigungen" (german) which i would tranlate as "You Need rights" (I dont know the exact english Phrase that Windows uses.)   When  start the RecalBox it tells me a new update is there, but when I try to download/install it, there is another error that tells me about the failiure of updating, the System reboots after that.   the recalbox itself works fine with the former transfered files and Emulators. but I cant add something anymore.   can somebody tell me what is wrong?