Hi There first one im Not natural english speaker and absoluty noob on RasPi and Linux so i have some Problems with the git hub tutorial for Set UP moonlight and stream my PC games wich GFE Version is Supported and how the hack i Can activate moonlight on the recalbox? Love for an answer or am link to an guide for dummies like me
How to Set UP moonlight
Hi There first one im Not natural english speaker and absoluty noob on RasPi and Linux so i have some Problems with the git hub tutorial for Set UP moonlight and stream my PC games wich GFE Version is Supported and how the hack i Can activate moonlight on the recalbox? Love for an answer or am link to an guide for dummies like me
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Setup-moonlight-(EN)need geforce experience under 3.0.11 in memory check others subjects moonlight.
@acris so it must underrated 3.0.11? Or is 3.0.11 supported