@roman126 you need sime.linux software that can resize the data partition. Gparted can do it i think
Expand filesystem moving from 32Gb to 64GB micro SD
My Recalbox build is reaching the capacity of my 32GB micro SD, I have taken an image using USB image writer in Bin format and re-written this to a new 64GB micro SD, how can I re over this extra memory since the build still shows reaching capacity in Recalbox settings.
@roman126 same problem for me. A recalbox v4 16gb in a 32gb sd card and it still see only 16gb of free space. i've tryied everything but i've found no solution.
i've noticed that in RETROPIE sometimes there's an option called EXTEND SD but in my image i've only recalbox....how can i install in it retropie??
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@roman126 you need sime.linux software that can resize the data partition. Gparted can do it i think
Yes as mentioned gparted does it, it’s Linux based software, I downloaded and wrote the image to memory stick, then changed my pc boot settings to boot from memory stick, runs gparted and you can drag the slider to free up the space on your micro SD, works a treat!, sadly there is no “expand filesystem” in Recalbox like Retropie! But Gparted does the job nicely
- 2 months later
Just do it with raspi-config?? it should be part of recalbox
@thomas-kings-0 Recalbox is NOT Raspbian
- 7 days later
Oh I was thinking recalbox has it because retropie does.