Fixing teminal emulation reslution (and quit from it)
Hello there! Hey when i exit emulationstation by pressing F$ and goin into terminal emulator with ALT + F12 the screen displays offsett and therefore unusable; nay hint on fixing the resolution?
And please, how i get back to emulation station if possible? So far i reboot the system; there is no other way? Thanks in advance anyways
@niculinux hi
Which board are you using ? -
Sorry before i meant F4! I have recalbox 19.02.09. plugged via HDMI to an Samsung tv.
Edit @substring a Raspbery Pi3 model B, sorry again!
@niculinux juste type
/etc/init.d/S31emulationstation start
@niculinux most of times tvs dont properly center the image. Otherwise add some overscan
@Substring thnaks, gonna try at home ASAP! To add overscan, it is enough to do in emulationstation or i (fear) to do some tampering with configuration station? As for exiting the terminal, may I emulationstation start or the full path is needed to be provided?
Edit: please if someone may provide some screenshots it would be more easier
@niculinux start with the es option
@substring said in Fixing teminal emulation res**tion (and quit from it):
@niculinux start with the es option
@Substring sorry I could I do that? Maybe youre referring to 4:3, 16:9 options and so on or something else?
@niculinux no, afair there's ann ption to enable overscan in ES, nothing to do with the ratio
Ah ok it is in the "advanced settings" menu
It worked for games (especially sega mster system ones, because of the intermediate resolution these had) but terminal still no way
Edit: another solution may be to change manually overscan as the wiki reads: see what happens...but since in terminal recalbox provide only vi and vim (i always used nano) and most of all i'm a complete nood i dout gonna try since don't wanna mess with the system ;( well other ideas are more than welcome!
May custom overscan be in the future set in emulation station? Would be great, thanks anyways!!