[EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so)
@wulfman said in [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so):
ohhh i see ... custom isn't global optiion - it's local ... need to be set als parameter whdload game.slave preload; custom1=1 (untested! next few days)
your whdlGenerator.py: fStartupSeq.write("WHDload "+slaveFile+" Preload\n")
... that makes it even more complicated: ( I can't even think of an easy workaround - just quick&dirty ...So you just made me lose my time by spilling nonsense about a file which isn't concerned at all....
Refresh is a good friend.
But this problem was with your old install (sometimes it happends that an .adf copied into whdload-dir...). At the moment for this point no problem. The "question" was whether you are doing something different here than in the old version. If not, it is still vulnerable to error. But very hard to find it out
[With the old installation the 5-6x happened ... in 2-3h testing!]
If was not the case either with old install, this bug was corrected a long time ago
More nonsense.Settler configuration :
Ok i use my .uae:
You need this for World Size 8!! Not a Joke! It's an Amiga500-Game.Except in this uae you just use a very beefed up Amiga1200 configuration which has clearly nothing in common with an Amiga500.
Had you just put your Settlers game inside Amiga1200 has I recommended to do a long time ago, you wouldn't have any issue and any need to write an uae (which incidently is exactly the same as the conf used for Amiga1200 in my solution)Next example? Standard-CPU for Amiga600 is 68000 (amiberry!) ... Historyline, Settler needs minimum 68020. User xyz know " its amiga 500 - i put it into amiga600" - and don't work - cpu to low. OK it is possible to change cpu in .uae. But ... all this things ... here cpu x, there more chipmen, many whdload-games are to fast
Then use this games on Amiga1200 and they will work fine without config !!! This works for 95% of the WHDL games
User doesn't then need to do anything and if they do they just need to modify the uae manually.OK, this last exchanges definitely prove to me that :
- you're not willing to explain correctly what you want or do
- you have a attention span of approximatively 2s
- you're not listening to what others are saying
- you spill nonsense more than usual, especially when you're unsure about something or when you don't even know what you are doing
So I definitely do not have time for that, please be on your own from now on and don't bother me anymore
´Tin mais t'es imbuvable @voljega, arrête d'engueuler les gens ou de les prendre de haut à tout bout de champs, c'est juste super désagréable de lire tes posts. Arrête le support si ca t'emmerde. Navré que ça tombe sur un topic sur ton taf mais là tes s**ts etc c'est trop, tout le temps ce ton, c'est gavant.
Et c'est un Dr House qui te dit ca... Met les formes stp.
@kjbstar eh bien ne les lis pas mes posts.
et ça fait bien un mois que je l'aide par MP donc bon au bout d'un moment il faut savoir dire stop
et un s**t c'est vrai que c'est hyper intense ouh là là -
@Secamfr J'ai essayé tes adf ils sont bien chargés tous les deux par l'emulateur :
Par contre effectivement on tombe direct sur l'écran du kickstart 1.3, celui-ci est bien chargé également dans le GUI, bizarre....
Sur amiga1200, le jeu boote mais après l'écran du trainer les disquettes semblent bloquées sur certains secteurs.
Essaye une autre version des disquettes ou en WHDL (a priori il marche en WHDL)
ohhh i see ... custom isn't global optiion - it's local ... need to be set als parameter whdload game.slave preload; custom1=1 (untested! next few days)
your whdlGenerator.py: fStartupSeq.write("WHDload "+slaveFile+" Preload\n")
... that makes it even more complicated: ( I can't even think of an easy workaround - just quick&dirty ...So you just made me lose my time by spilling nonsense about a file which isn't concerned at all....
Nonsens? It's your file ... you start whdload with this line. Custom1 is an local-parameter which start like whdload game.slave preload custom1=1 (theoretical; i don't test this at the moment): https://fs-uae.net/whdload-support/comment-page-4 - there is an example ...
But: if you offer whdload-Support - please read yourself in ... i am only a user and it is not my job to find solutions - it is your job if you want integrated Amiga-Support official in Recalbox!
The problem with this call: it applies to everyone. So one would have to define in advance for whom this applies. Quick&Dirty: Optional extra file (per game) which contains only the local call - add the content to it. Quick&Dirty = no practical solution! Did you have an idea?
I asked Horace @ Facebook for a solution (sorry for that .. but I want a solution for my problem!). It even exists - is called whdload booter. But it's designed for retropie - but he said it runs without any retropie. http://www.ultimateamiga.co.uk/HostedProjects/RetroPieAmiga/downloads/ --- a. ws file with extra parameters is required for each game. I will checks this the next few days ...
Refresh is a good friend.
But this problem was with your old install (sometimes it happends that an .adf copied into whdload-dir...). At the moment for this point no problem. The "question" was whether you are doing something different here than in the old version. If not, it is still vulnerable to error. But very hard to find it out
[With the old installation the 5-6x happened ... in 2-3h testing!]
If was not the case either with old install, this bug was corrected a long time ago
More nonsense.definitly not corrected in OLD Install! Sorry! I've used the latest version (from your old install) - it happends very often on my tests on Sunday. But if you corrected this in install - everything is ok - done! I don't know which bugs you have fixed vom old to new Install ... it was more than just info in case it wasn't known and so it was taken over 1:1. Sorry.....
Next example? Standard-CPU for Amiga600 is 68000 (amiberry!) ... Historyline, Settler needs minimum 68020. User xyz know " its amiga 500 - i put it into amiga600" - and don't work - cpu to low. OK it is possible to change cpu in .uae. But ... all this things ... here cpu x, there more chipmen, many whdload-games are to fast
Then use this games on Amiga1200 and they will work fine without config !!! This works for 95% of the WHDL games
User doesn't then need to do anything and if they do they just need to modify the uae manually.I just want to help here! Sorry for that!
I know how to get this stuff running. But Recalbox is a Copy&Run/Easy-to-Use installation. When the users see: Amiga 500 game - they will put it in the 600 folder... and then ask HERE why it doesn't work. I'm just giving you a preview of what's coming!
OK, this last exchanges definitely prove to me that :
- you're not willing to explain correctly what you want or do
- you have a attention span of approximatively 2s
- you're not listening to what others are saying
- you spill nonsense more than usual, especially when you're unsure about something or when you don't even know what you are doing
So I definitely do not have time for that, please be on your own from now on and don't bother me anymore
Sorry for help ... sorry for testing your installation (and spend many time into it) ... sorry for find an solution for whdload problems
I didn't explain correctly? Did you have check the Wings-Problem? TEST IT! It doesn't save. I've explain exactly the way what i do and described the conditions under which a savegame is stored (exit/save in GAME-Main-Menu -> and then kill uae4arm; Disk-Version: Autosave progress).
Listing to other? We are the only one to talk about this. You hope that every people use only one of the 95% games who works. I have only 20-30 whdloadgames ... Historyline don't work without local whdload-parameter (very popular game in german), SlamTilt not saving, Wings problems with autosave (3 Games with problems from 30, but only max 10 tested! definetly more than 5%!). Solution should be an global parameter - look @ horace whdload booter.zip -> S/whdload.prefs ... NoWriteCache is activated. NoWriteCache means: everything is writing DIRECTLY to disk and not after leave the game over ingame exit/save-Option:
https://circuit-board.de/forum/index.php/Thread/18365-A500-mit-WHDLoad-Cannon-Fodder-Savegame-ist-nach-Neustart-weg-Problem-gelöst/ (sorry german)
http://www.minimig.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=356 <- ok it should be a problem with 68000 CPU (your Amiga600-Config) ... NoWriteCache need with this CPU. Ok your solution: use Amiga 1200....... right?
I am a 5%-Gamer - SorryYou're not listing to what others are saying! Sorry!
New Bug?
Multidisk Amiga600
Wings Disk 1.adf
Wings Disk 2.adf
I've started Wings Disk 1.adf
Don't work - i must go to the UAE-Menu: Floppy -> First Floppy has inserted Disk 2! Second Floppy = Disk 1; I must swap Floppy 0 / 1 -> Reset. Work.
Sorry for find this ... and waste your time ... 95%-Gamer don't Play Multidisk-Games.....
Disk 1 of 2.adf better? I don't see in adfGenerator.py that you are look after "Disk 1". You count by yourself the disks? Right? so there's no difference between "disk 1.adf" and "disk 1 of 2.adf". Sorry for waste your time again. It should be an 5%-Gamer-Problem -
I'm willing to correct every bug, provided they are explained clearly.I'm sorry but to me your 'style' as you called it is unreadable.
So please do some effort on your side, stop with the long block without any carriage return.
And stop with the '->' it might seem clear to you, it's not. Please use words.
@voljega C'était pas que pour le s**t, mais l'ensemble de ton oeuvre. Je m'attendais à "ne lis pas mes posts", classique... 8 fois sur 10 t'engueules les gens dans tes interventions, et c'est donc aux autres de pas te lire. Ce qui est con car t'es pas con. C'te gâchis. Bref.
Settlers with your Amiga1200-Config: Works - Glitches in Intro - Worldsize 8: Perfect!
BUT: your resolution makes it unplayable (see screenshot from yesterday). I can't change this really with your config. I don't have an idea whats wrong. If i have time i will check your config vs. my config - whats differ.
This problem brings me to an Feature request: User-UAE-Files
I think it is a better to use "User-UAE-Files" instead "Create-an-UAE" - what you are do (for some config-parts) with amiberryConfig.py (and the other .py)Your Solution: whdload
- User start whdload-game.uae in ES
- the whdload-game.uae has parts from your standard_forceratio_XXX.uae (the user must copy this manually)
- amiberryConfig put some parts to your temporary-uae (/tmp/amiga/whdl/...) and overwrite (some) variables [gfx etc.]
- this temporary-uae now start with uae4arm
Something wrong?
- User must change the Gfx-Settings for an game (settler for example).
- User want change the Quit/Menu-Button (key works, button not)
- ...
How does the user do it? Over Menu?
or directly via amiberryConfig.py ... for advanced user: no problem. You are in a bad Support-Position
You can't really help because the needed settings are "hardcoded"
- easy to use ...
My Idea for an solution: whdload
For whdload you need an .uae - it's a must-have (user MUST create one file). You offer two default.uae-Files for this. That is ok! But if you "kill" the config-create-Part in your .py's and put this part to your default-config, you gave the users more flexiblity and YOU can easilier help ("change resolution in gameName.uae to ..."). I think this should be easy to code: "if filename has *.uae then put only drive-settings to .uae". TDisadvantage:
- YOU must code this ...
- User: no disadvantage. You say now: use "standard_forceratio_1200.uae" as template for gameName.uae. It doesn't matter if there are 3 Lines or 20 Lines. Why can't the user copy the complete config?
- YOU can give easier support
- (advanced) User: are more flexible
I have a solution approach for the custom1-Set-Problem (HistoryLine)
Download HistoryLineDe (internetarchive) and start it - you will see the custom1-Error.
Do following:
- Start whdload-Game
- go to /tmp/amiga/WHDL/S/
- open Startup-Sequence
- edit first line: Whdload HistoryLineDe.slave PRELOAD CUSTOM1=1
(slave depend from gamename.slave - of course!) - open UAE-Menu
=> Game works.
It is possible to set LOCAL-Parameter in "Startup-Sequence". Very good!
You create this Startup-Sequence in whdlGenerator.py L70-79
But how can you set "individual" LOCAL-Parameter?IDEA:
- open GameName.uae (from /roms/amigaXXX/)
- NEW Parameter: whdloadlocal = CUSTOM1=1 (mhh 2 "=" should not working? CUSTOM1#1? only an idea/example; you have to see what works)
- in whdlGenerator.py you check content of the .uae "if whdloadlocal set then read variable-value, change # to = and put it to (Line 79) fStartupSeq.write("WHDload "+slaveFile+" Preload\n")"
At this point: I don't have any idea how to pick out variables. There's something to think about;)
(amiberry has no problem with "unknown" variables in .uae ... i've check this with "asdfgasdfsd = 1" - no error :=) )
@wulfman said in [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so):
My Idea for an solution: whdload
For whdload you need an .uae - it's a must-have (user MUST create one file). You offer two default.uae-Files for this. That is ok! But if you "kill" the config-create-Part in your .py's and put this part to your default-config, you gave the users more flexiblity and YOU can easilier help ("change resolution in gameName.uae to ..."). I think this should be easy to code: "if filename has *.uae then put only drive-settings to .uae".Please re-read the README, this is already done, why do you think there are some parts in the uae file ? Well maybe README is not clear enough.
With an empty uae file you get the default config
But with a custom uae like the one I provide you can overload hardware and controller parts (using;hardware
blocks, config for that part in the uae will be used and not generated automatically by the scriptI will add the graphic part as overloadable too, it's not done yet, and you're right it can be usefull
Meanwhile I've documented all your issues : https://github.com/Voljega/amiga4recalbox/issues
The multi disk one I just corrected, it was a random rare bug where python didn't sort files alphabetically sometimes.
Correction is inadfGenerator.py
is you don't want to reinstall everything -
@wulfman said in [EMULATION] Amiga4Recalbox v0.8999999999, install in one click (or so):
I downloaded Historyline (non DE version so I will try)
It is possible to set LOCAL-Parameter in "Startup-Sequence".
what do you mean by LOCAL-Paremeter ? CUSTOM1=1 ?
open GameName.uae (from /roms/amigaXXX/)
NEW Parameter: whdloadlocal = CUSTOM1=1 (mhh 2 "=" should not working? CUSTOM1#1? only an idea/example; you have to see what works)
in whdlGenerator.py you check content of the .uae "if whdloadlocal set then read variable-value, change # to = and put it to (Line 79) fStartupSeq.write("WHDload "+slaveFile+" Preload\n")"bad solution (the uae should be purely uae), and too complicated, simpler and easier to implement one :
if you want to add custom parameters to the launch line in startup-sequence, juste create an .prefs file with the same name as the directory and simply put your parameters in it likeCUSTOM1=1
then you'll get :
HistoryLine (game folfer)
HistoryLine.uae (empty or custom conf)
HistoryLine.prefs (with justCUSTOM1=1
in it)and at startup startup-sequence launch line just need to be completed with what is found in HistoryLine.prefs
and thank you for writing more clearly
@Secamfr ah si y'avait bien un souci semi aléatoire pour ton Sensible Soccer ! normalement c'est corrigé
custom graphics conf part is added and README more clear I hope
you can try with the settlers, I tried with Turrican 3 but my custom graphic conf of 704282 was reduced to 704200 by the emulator, maybe the game doesn't allow itif you don't want to reinstall you just need to update
, uae files used by genUAE are updated too -
and finally for tonight, I've added the use of custom parameters for Startup-Sequence launch, see README.md to see how it's used.
I have prefered.whdl
extension over.prefs
if you don't want to reinstall you just need to update
For the next problem (https://github.com/Voljega/amiga4recalbox/issues/5) of the saves during game (but I'm not sure it sill solve the issue as when saving in Theme Park the save file appears during the game and not after quitting it) you can try to edit
and just remove;
see if it changes anything -
@voljega Ok merci je vais testé ça dès que j'ai un moment.
@Wulfman did you manage to test if saves in WHDL are working ok now ?
I tried with Wings but I don't understand how to select a newly created character to play with it, it is kind of greyed-outIf you update now, you should reinstall the whole thing because I removed every references to uae4arm to amiberry, so most .py script files have changed
@voljega J'ai fait la mise à jour et j'ai testé les sauvegardes, ça fonctionne sur CD32 mais pas sur 600/1200 (Cannon Fodder WHDL).
@secamfr réessaye avec le modif de ce matin ?
Si tu veux pas t'embêter, enlève juste le
dans le fichier.prefs
et dis moi si ça change quelque chose -
@voljega Ça marche nickel avec la version de ce matin
Moi je désactive les leds pour 600/1200 et j'ai mis le menu sur start pour la CD32 (Start est mapper sur L)
Il n'y a plus qu'a attendre la nouvelle version d'amiberry. -
@secamfr cool c'était le bug le plus chiant !!
Je ne sais pas encore quoi faire avec les leds si je les supprime ou pas... Le mieux serait qu'on puisse les afficher d'une pression de bouton, un peu comme l'atari st mais pour l'instant c'est pas possible...